Sunday, September 16, 2007

Marianas Dive Lau Lau Clean Up

Lau Lau Bay received a helping hand from the Marianas Dive group today!
With Angelo and BCNMI supplying the bags and gloves, about 20 volunteers hit the beach for a clean up.

Afterwards, more than a dozen divers hit the water with mesh bags and pulled out all sorts of things that just should not be there. Batteries, beer cans, clothing, fishing line......

Bottom line is we worked up a bit of a sweat for an hour in the sun, then got to go for a refreshing splash and a "treasure' hunt. I even managed to point out a Spanish Dancer (first I've seen) to Mark who got a few shots. Then on the way back in I saw another Mark snapping more photos of it! Throw in the bait ball of Bigeye Scad and it was another great group dive. And we managed to pick up a significant amount of trash too!
Thanks to everyone who showed up including our tourist friends from Japan who found time to pitch in and to the Mister, and Khorram families as well.

Also to Captain Mike and Steven from the big ships. Then of course there are the die hards: Mark, Tammy, Dennis, Judy, Rusty, Brad, Mike & Mike (that's me), Katrina and Angelo! (not all pictured here!)
For more on the event visit Mark and Tammy's underexposed.
For more on the dive happenings around the Marianas visit the discussions at Marianas Dive.

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